Here’s the coding checkpoint for the second third of the book (sections 5-7), presented as a set of requests from a client:
- I need a custom post type called the “Tutorial.” I want posts in this CPT to live at the following URL structure: I want it to have an archive, as well, so that site visitors can browse a reverse-chronological listing of all Tutorials. Feel free to create this CPT either by coding it directly in PHP, or by using a plugin.
- I would like single posts of the Tutorial post type to be different than regular Posts: I don’t want them to display the author, or the publication date. Please set this up, using the template hierarchy, in the Twenty Nineteen child theme you registered in the first section. Make use of template parts, since the content is going to be similar (although not identical) to the display of regular Posts.
- I’d like Tutorial posts to be organized by difficulty: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced. I’d like the single Tutorial post template to show that post’s difficulty, and I’d like to be able to browse all posts of that Tutorial’s difficulty by clicking the difficulty as a link. (See a single article on for a demo of this functionality.)
- I’d like Tutorial posts to have “Topics,” allowing me to tag Tutorials with things like “JavaScript,” “PHP,” or “Workflows.” I’d like the list of Topics applied to a Tutorial to show on that Tutorial’s single page as well. (Again, see a single article for a demo.)
- Lastly, I’d like each Tutorial post to have a unique property called “Minutes” that says how long the Tutorial takes to read (e.g., “6 minutes,” “20 minutes,” “40 minutes,” etc.).
- I’d like Tutorial archive pages to show only four things for each Tutorial: the title, the difficulty, the Topics, and the time to read.
Have fun! Let me know if you have any questions about what’s being asked for any piece of this, or about how to properly implement it.